Know What
I'm Sayin'??
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Monday was my Birthday!
I like being born in August.

Why? Because there are no major holidays in August. Your birthday seems a bit more special when you don't have to share the month. Although, August would be a GREAT time for Couch Day.

This year my birthday was pretty low-key. I like it that way. Gives me time to be...introspective. My wife and I had dinner on Sunday with my parents and my brother (whose birthday was the Tuesday before) and his wife. Just the six of us. Good times.

Last night Mrs. Mau took me to a restaurant that I've been wanting to hit for a while - Element Gastro Lounge and Food Lab. (More on that later, I think.)

My breakfast today: Carrot Cake. My favorite.

How old? 31. Yup. 31. Feels good. It feels like I'm at the beginning of some trip. Remember how you recited numbers when you were a kid? "Twenty-nniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, Thirty." That "Thirty" had the tone of such...finality. Then, you hit "Thirty-one", and it was like the journey to 40 was just starting!

So, these days I'm not thinking of what will happen this year. I'm thinking about the next 10 years.
Positive and negative.
Births in the family.
Deaths in the family.
Happy times.
Sad times.
Reaching landings and turning corners.

I'm looking forward to the trip.

Know What I'm Sayin'??
Blogger BrownBerry said...
Well thanks to you, now I'm looking at it in a whole new way too. I'll let you know how 32 measures up when I get there.