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I'm Sayin'??
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Thumbs Up to Thumbs Up!
They say breakfast is the most important meal of day, so any restaurant that serves breakfast all day has got to be on to something. Thumbs Up Diner hits the sweet spot.

It's an Atlanta fixture for many, and if you're in the city, but haven't been there, then...well then you're just missing out.

One of my major gripes with most breakfasts away from home is there aren't enough good meat offerings that aren't made of pork. Most of the veggie substitutes don't hit the mark, and the turkey stuff is honestly a joke. On my recent visit to Thumbs Up, (yesterday) one of the specials was the Kirkwood Breakfast, which had a link of chicken sausage, along with a slice of french toast, and a small fruit salad. I mostly got it because I was intruiged by the sausage. My curiosity was rewarded. The sausage had great flavor, and was cooked just right - just a little charred all around, without being burnt at all. It was good enough for me to ask my waitress about it. It turns out that the chicken sausage has earned a permanent spot on the menu! This is great news. I'm very excited. This means that the carnivore in me will be satisfied when I go. This little addition really rounds out the menu at Thumbs Up. Get there. Ask for the sausage if it hasn't made it to the menu yet. You won't be disappointed. 3 locations in the Atlanta area to serve you.

Know What I'm Sayin'??
Blogger Jameil said...
interesting. turkey bacon is so pathetic, is it not? so sad.